Call for Papers – The ‘New’ Legal Temporalities? Discipline and Resistance across Domains of Time

by admin on November 20, 2015

From 8th till 10th September 2016, the University of Kent hosts the conference  ‘The ‘new’ legal temporalities? Discipline and resistance across domains of time’ georganiseerd. Those who are interested are invited to sent in an abstract for a paper or a panel.

Congres ‘The ‘new’ legal temporalities? Discipline and resistance across domains of time’

Key note speakers:
Carol Greenhouse (Anthropology, Princeton)  
Plenary speakers:
•  Michelle Bastian (Philosophy, Edinburgh)
•  Sarah Keenan (Law, Birkbeck)
•  Dipika Jain (Law,  Jindal Global Law School)
•  Justin Richland  (Anthropology, Chicago)
Writer in residence: Annabel Lyon (prize-­‐winning author of historical  novels The Sweet Girl and The Golden Mean)    

Law  and governance are intimately entangled with time.  This international conference will explore time’s fraught  relationship with law,  governance and ordering: the use of time in projects of discipline, the significance of time to resistance, the creation of new temporal horizons and experiences through technological innovation, as well as other themes. the AHRC regulating Time network invites conference papers, presentations, or art-based engagements focusing on the relationship between law, governance and time, broadly understood. We particularly encourage the participation of scholars working in disciplines other than law and governance, and legal scholars working with interdisciplinary methods or perspectives. We welcome papers on a range of topics engaging broadly with any of the following:
– What can analyzing time and temporalities add to our understanding of law, regulation and governance?
– How can we understand the relationship between law, governance and time? What concepts of time help us to trace law’s temporal effects, for example? What is specific or distinct about legal approaches within interdisciplinary studies of time?
– What role and effects does time have in projects of discipline and control, on the one hand, or in resistance and protest, on the other?

In particular, in the context of what some view as an upturn in research on law and time, we invite participants to be critical about what is ‘new’ about critical legal studies of time in the present moment (acknowledging, for instance, the insights of the legal history movement and longstanding postcolonial critiques of ‘universal time’). The conference title, while registering such ‘newness’, also therefore signals our hope to subvert it.

We welcome individual abstracts, panel and stream proposals. Unless you specify otherwise, we will assign abstracts to panels on the basis of shared themes or topics. Papers are invited also for the following streams and panels which are being organized by members of the Regulating Time network (further details below).

• Radical Temporality: Law, Order and Resistance
• Technologieand Time: Forms of Governance
• Gendered Bodies and the Corporeality of Time
•  Temporalities, Law and Security
•  Temporalitieof  Labour: Time, Technology, History and Politics
•   The Right to One’s Own Time: Law  in the Making    

Submitting an abstract, stream or panel proposal
Deadline for stream and panel proposals is 15th February 2016
Deadline for individual abstracts (300 words or less) is 29th February 2016
Stream and panel proposals should contain: title of stream or panel; 150 word (max) summary of themes; list of confirmed participants; paper titles and abstracts all as once package.

Please submit abstracts, stream and panel proposals to the email address below, specifying whether you are submitting to the open call or to one of the pre-specified streams. If you are submitting to one of the pre-­specified streams then please cc the relevant stream organizer/s, otherwise your paper will not be considered for that stream.

Email address for abstracts and stream/panel proposals:

*Please let us know by email to by 15 February 2016 if you have any of the following requirements:
• Disability-­‐related needs with respect to conference attendance generally
• A visa letter
• Any other specific requirements to facilitate attendance.

Organized Streams and Panels
• Radical Temporality: Law, Order & Resistance. Stream. We welcome papers that investigate practices of resistance (actions, groups and movements) in society that challenge the existing order in a more or less fundamental way or to seek to create a completely new order. A central question is: under what conditions is resistance successful, meaningful and legitimate? Key words: time, critique, social theory. Convenors: Lyana Francot-­‐Timmermans ( and Bart van Klink (, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
• Technologies and Time: Forms of Governance. Stream. This stream will examine how demands for efficient institutional practises has increased the use of technologies and what that means for the way that legal issues are constructed and processed. The stream will also consider the effects of those issues on people who come into contact with the law. Key words: regulation, institutions, efficiency, technology. Convenor: Lucy Welsh (, University of Kent.
• Gendered Bodies and the Corporeality of Time. Stream. This stream is focused on the how time interacts, delineates, and impacts on the body. Specifically, it seeks to explore issues around the embodiment of time and corporeal experiences of time and temporality, including issues around bio-­‐technology and gendered bodies. Key words: gender, corporeal, embodiment, bio-­‐politics. Convenor: Starla Hargita (, UTS Sydney/University of Kent.
• Temporalities, Law and Security. Stream. This interdisciplinary stream invites contributors to analyse the relations between law and security through a temporal lens and is oriented around the following type of question: What does it mean to rethink the legal conflicts and problems provoked by different security practices – such as targeted killings, cybersecurity, communications surveillance, global health security, financial warfare, resilience, counter-‐radicalisation, critical infrastructure protection and other counter-terrorism measures ­‐ in temporal terms? Key words: security, temporality, regulation, jurisdiction, resilience, accountability. Convenors: Geoff Gordon (, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Gavin Sullivan (, University of Kent.
• Temporalities of Labour: Time, Technology, History and Politics. Stream. In what ways do projects of law and governance conceptualise, shape, and understand labour time? What can we study when we analyse labour regulation – what is the significance, for example, of ‘old’ and ‘new’ technologies, bureaucratic processes, or of histories of colonial labour regulation? Key words: labour, technologies, bureaucracies, legal technicalities, colonial labour regulation. Convenor: Emily Grabham (, University of Kent.
• The Right to One’s Own Time: Law in the Making. Panel. This panel will feature theoretically-­‐engaged papers on rights to time as an immaterial good and on the objective-­‐legal and subjective-­‐legal implication of rights. I am also interested in legal-­‐empirical papers on courts’ or legislative decisions with reference to time (eg train and flight delays, temporal implications of the due process of law, due access to medical treatment, etc. and their treatment by ECJ, ECHR etc.). Key words/phrases: Time as a scarce good; time as an emerging legal value; time as resource for quality of everyday­‐life; rights in their objective-­legal and their subjective‐legal dimension. Convenor: Ulrich Mückenberger (mueckenb@uni‐, University of Bremen.

Registration and Conference Bursaries
Registration fees for the conference will be as follows:
• £175 for institutionally supported participants
• £50 for non-­‐institutionally supported participants, postgraduate students, artists and writers.

Details of how to register and a list of reasonably priced local accommodation will be available soon on our website.

Two bursaries will be available. These bursaries will be allocated to participants from any country:
1. Postgraduate participants who do not already have institutional support to attend the conference; and/or
2. Other scholars, artists or writers without institutional support.

In order to apply, please send the following to by 15 February 2016 FAO Emily Grabham:
• One page (max) curriculum vitae including details of current employment status and postgraduate studies or other work
• Abstract (see above)
• Maximum 500 word statement as to why this support would be of benefit
• One reference from, for example, a PhD supervisor
• Statement of transport and/or accommodation expenses.

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