Seminar ‘Validity and Trust’

by admin on June 29, 2015

On 17th and 18th December 2015 Jaap Hage (UM), Mauro Zambioni (University Stolkholm) and Pauline Westerman (RUG) organise a small scaled, international seminar in Groningen. The theme of this two day seminar is the relation between validity and trust. Many soft law constructions are based on dubious or even absent legal basis. This is a controversial phenomenon. Formal validity requirements used to be a strategy to generate trust if this was not self-evident. How can we understand the rise and functioning of sof law? Is letting go of validity requirements a sign of excessive trust in the legal order? Or is the traditional function of validity requirements replaced by other mechanisms?

The speakers who are invited – from several European countries – will employ a legal theoretical perspective and connect the theme to classic theories on validity (for which a invalid norm is no norm). Paper will be distributed upfront so that all participant will have read them for the seminar. If you are interested in participating, please apply before 3rd July by sending an email to Pauline Westerman ( and include Michelle Bruijn ( and Suzanne Schot ( in the cc. There is no fee for participating.

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